If you receive the following error there may be a .NET framework configuration issue on your PC.
We have run into this issue a couple of times and found that the machine.config file was missing or corrupt. Copying the machine.config.default file to machine.config resolved the issue.
The error is: CashFootprint has stopped working... Windows is checking for a solution to the problem.
The error contains the following info...
There are a couple of possibilities.
The computer may have abruptly lost power and cut off the contents of the user.config for the software.
You may need to delete the user.config. If this is the case, you will see the file name at the bottom of the error and it should be similar to the following file. When you restart the program, it will ask for the database location then recreate this file. The user.config is as follows:
C:\Users\[your user profile]\AppData\Local\LotHill_Solutions LLC\CashFootprintPOS.exe_StrongName...\[latest version number]\user.config
The other possibility: