If you are seeing a "No Servers Found" message when you go to select the CashFootprint server, it could be one of the following reasons:
If you are using a single computer for CashFootprint.
- SQL Server was not installed.
Here is the step-by-step install: https://youtu.be/r_9mFrtnLxQ - SQL Server was installed using defaults (Ie: Next, Next, etc) not our instructions.
Do not uninstall, fix with this video: https://youtu.be/Md1_rvHxoHU
If you are using more than one computer for CashFootprint and this is not the computer with the database installed
- SQL Server on the main computer is not shared properly.
Fix: https://youtu.be/gDj98vjjTXQ - This computer cannot communicate with the main computer.
Fix: make sure both computers are connected to the same network. A mix of computers on Wifi and Ethernet is ok. Also make sure all computers have the same Network Profile (Home, Work, Private, Public).