If you are seeing a "No Servers Found" message when you go to select the CashFootprint server, it could be one of the following reasons:

If you are using a single computer for CashFootprint.

  1. SQL Server was not installed.
    Here is the step-by-step install: https://youtu.be/r_9mFrtnLxQ
  2. SQL Server was installed using defaults (Ie: Next, Next, etc) not our instructions.
    Do not uninstall, fix with this video: https://youtu.be/Md1_rvHxoHU

If you are using more than one computer for CashFootprint and this is not the computer with the database installed

  1. SQL Server on the main computer is not shared properly.
    Fix: https://youtu.be/gDj98vjjTXQ
  2. This computer cannot communicate with the main computer.
    Fix: make sure both computers are connected to the same network. A mix of computers on Wifi and Ethernet is ok. Also make sure all computers have the same Network Profile (Home, Work, Private, Public).