Always make a backup of your data before changing versions.

  1. Added customer number and name (if available) to the top of the Sales History by Customer report.

  2. The Assembly button within the About screen mistakenly closed the about screen when clicked.  This behavior has been fixed.
  3. CashFootprint will now remember if you had the QuickSell buttons screen open when you closed the application.  If the QuickSell screen was open, CashFootprint will re-open it when you login next time.
  4. Enhanced gift receipt printing.  We added the ability to print a gift receipt including all items or from a list of items on the receipt. Gift receipts can be printed directly following a transaction (from the follow-up success screen) or from the History > Receipt preview screen. See feature request here.

  5. Added an option to set Apply Tax to on or off by default.  The system default is on for upgrades and new installs.  See feature request here.

  6. Added the total savings to the sale status bar which is located below the items list.  The total savings will adjust as discounts are applied. See feature request here.
  7. Added the ability to right click any payment button to accept the exact amount due or the remaining balance if a split tender.