Always make a backup of your data before changing versions.

  1. Fixed Week to Date and Last Week calculations within reporting date selection screen.  Now using systems regional settings to determine starting day of the week.
  2. Added a discount description to the discount manager.  Adding a description will help you quickly locate your sale/discount later.  Max of 200 characters.
  3. Fixed discount rule Stop after applied logic.  The rules would stop even if the rule was not actually applied.  The logic should only stop if the rules was actually applied and the rule is set to stop after applied.
  4. Created migration of Extended Pricing to new Discount Manager.
  5. Removed Extended Pricing tab from Inventory screen.  Discounts now controlled through Discount Manager.
  6. Added a short description to the transaction notes form.  This is an internal note and will not be displayed on the receipt or invoice.  This short description will be displayed in the grid of the Transaction History screen.  Use this for adding a quick note regarding what the transaction is for. (ie: work orders, car make and model, etc.) Max of 200 characters.
  7. Added a discount description to the Loyalty Rules.  Adding a description will help you quickly locate your loyalty perks later. Max of 200 characters.

  8. Corrected issues with loyalty point calculations for refunded items.
  9. Reorganized the import wizard.  all changes to the selection of options will update the preview.  The default for the first row is Yes (the file has a header row).  Added Step designations to help with flow of option selections.
  10. Removed price level import as these are no longer needed and are controlled within the Discount Manager.
  11. Added an edit button within the customer box at the POS screen.  If a customer has been assigned to the sale, an edit button will allow for fast editing of customer information.
  12. Enlarged the search buttons on the POS screen.
  13. Added Quick Sell buttons.  Quick Sell buttons allow you to create visual buttons that are used to add items to a sale instead of scanning a barcode or performing an extensive search.  Quick Sell buttons can be grouped into multiple groups for fast selection.
  14. Added separate permissions to Server/Database menu under the Tools menu to allow separate access if needed.
  15. Added separate access to the Backup Database menu.  This permission can be given to anyone who needs access to make a backup but does not have authority to modify Options, restore the database, view raw data, or purge sale history.