The following link may also be useful, if you need to know where the main install of CashFootprint is connected.
How do I know which server instance and/or database CashFootprint is connected to?

Changing the server connection:

There are a few ways to do this.

  1. The preferred way to adjust the connection is to use the Change Server Connection utility.
    1. Click Windows Start menu > ('All Programs' or Programs) > CashFootprint Point-of-Sale > Change Server Connection
    2. Proceed to step 3.
  2. Open CashFootprint and wait for the error to appear.
    1. Once the error screen appears, click Change Server.
    2. Proceed to step 3.
  3. The Server Connection Configuration screen will appear and allow you to adjust the server connection settings.
    1. Server Name:
      1. Click the ellipsis button to the right.
      2. A list of servers will be displayed (this may take a minute).
      3. Select the desired server.
      4. Click OK to confirm the selection.
    2. Database: This should usually be CashFootprint.  The other possible selection would be SQLExpress
    3. Authentication Type:
      1. If you are using only one pos terminal and the SQL Server software is installed on that computer then Windows Authentication should work.
      2. If you are using more than one computer and you are trying to connect from a second terminal then select SQL Server Authentication and enter the default CashFootprint AppID
        1. Username: 'CashFootprintAppId' or 'sa'
        2. Password: c4$hFo0tPr1n7
    4. Click Connect.